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65. Which of the following can be a source of hematopoietic stem cells for HSCT ?
[1] Bone marrow
[2] Peripheral blood
[3] Umbilical cord blood
[4] All of these

66. Fastest or earliest engraftment is seen with which of these sources of hematopoietic stem cells ?
[1] Bone marrow
[2] Peripheral blood
[3] Umbilical cord blood
[4] Same time to engraftment in all these

65 = [4]
66 = [2]
Initial allogeneic transplants were done using bone marrow grafts. However the currently used sources of hematopoietic grafts are:
1 Peripheral blood (PB)
2 Bone marrow (BM)

NOTE >> PB grafts are NOW more commonly used. Main advantages of using PB grafts are faster and more secure and early engraftment and immune reconstitution, and less relapses (via GvT effect). However chronic GvHD (cGvHD) rates are higher as compared to BM grafts.